Psychic Readings
Guidance & Support on your Spiritual Journey
This is where Jo feels the most at home. Helping you shine a torch on your Spiritual Journey (your life path). Her readings are designed to bring insight, clarity, and perspective (30, 45 minute or 1 hour psychic readings are available).
Each psychic reading will support you in your Spiritual evolution. Together, we will view your life from an elevated perspective, facilitating profound spiritual growth and healing, and helping you to move beyond your current emotional and spiritual challenges.
We will check in with your Life Direction:
What you can expect,
What you could avoid, and
What spiritual lessons you are learning or avoiding?
Together we will make a plan, working to bring your life direction and your spiritual or soul plan for this life back into harmony and balance.

​Meet Jo
As an empath, Jo has unique skills working with energy in her body (clairempathy and clairsentience). She will support you to shift tension (blockages) in your life, through energy awareness. Learn more about Jo
What will you get from a psychic reading with Jo?
You will gain insights,
become aware of patterns, review them and see if they work for you or against you,
be supported to take on new perspectives on what is challenging you,
help to shift your perspective, and
creation of a positive vision for the path ahead.
Psychic Reading Readiness
Each reading is unique and special, providing a one-of-a-kind experience.
If you are ready for a psychic reading with a difference, where you are prepared to check in with your soul…
If you are ready to go beyond the surface level and unpack the events, relationships, and challenges of your life (spiritual journey).
And ask the challenging questions... Why are they showing up in my life the way they are?
And be open to finding new and creative solutions.
Then you are ready for a personalized Spiritual Journey Psychic Reading with Jo. Located in the beautiful Mornington Peninsula, Rosebud.