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Psychic Readings

Looking for a trusted Online Psychic Readings?

If you're seeking guidance, clarity, and perspective in life, Jo at Creative Empowerment a gifted psychic reader can help. As an experienced and trustworthy psychic, Jo taps into the energies of your life and delivers information from your spirit team to help you overcome obstacles and challenges.

Whether you prefer in-person sessions in Rosebud on the stunning Mornington Peninsula or an online sessions via Zoom, we have the perfect option to fit your busy lifestyle and location.

Let Jo connect with your spiritual team and bring through messages to guide you on your life's journey.

Image by Wyron A
Psychic Readings

Psychic Readings your way - in person, online or Spirit Art

Looking for a psychic reading that fits your unique lifestyle? Jo, is a clairsentient empath who offers a variety of reading options tailored to your needs.


Jo's psychic readings incorporate tarot and oracle cards, but she also offers Spirit Art which provides a unique approach to receiving much wanted connection and guidance from the world of spirit. Spirit Art involves creating one-of-a-kind Animal Spirit Guide Art or Spirit Guide Art. that is divinely inspired by your animal guides and spirit guides, you will receive a reading, and also a unique artwork that depicts your spirit guides. Learn more about spirit guide art and animal spirit art


For those with busy schedules, online psychic readings are available, allowing you the convenience without the travel time. This option is perfect for those in different time zones or locations around the world. Simply visit the booking link to schedule your online psychic reading.


If you prefer a more personal touch, Jo also offers in person psychic readings at Creative Empowerment Studio in Rosebud. Located on the beautiful Mornington Peninsula. 


Whatever your preference, Jo at Creative Empowerment has a reading option that suits your needs.

Are you able to get the same quality of psychic reading when you are not physically in the room?

This is an excellent question; yes, the straightforward answer is that energy is energy. As a psychic Jo possess the ability to tap into energy and feel, sense, or see things. It's a fundamental aspect of the work of a psychic.

With online psychic readings, you can conveniently receive valuable insights and perspectives about your life. Online psychic readings are like having a casual conversation with someone, where you can relax and receive messages from your spirit team.

At Creative Empowerment, we offer flexible options for scheduling psychic readings, including Zoom, in person or Spirit Guide Art. Our clients can easily connect with us without worrying about distance, time zones, or travel.

Image by Brooke Cagle

Why choose a Zoom psychic reading?

When opting for an online reading, you receive the necessary guidance in a comfortable and convenient manner. Additionally, you gain access to an experienced and dependable psychic reading service that provides customised reading options to meet your individual requirements.

Enjoy the convenience of accessing psychic advice from the comfort of your own home and gain insight and clarity to make the best decisions for your life ahead. 

Zoom offers a secure and cozy environment where you can receive intuitive insights and messages from the spirit. This reading option offers flexibility, and eliminating the need for travel, making it fit into your life with ease.

What happens during a Psychic reading with Jo?

Depending on the length of the reading booked you can focus the psychic reading around the areas of your life you would like to gain clarity and perspective. Alternatively you can  allow the reading to begin with an open space and see what your spiritual team want you to know at this time.
Which ever way you prefer, each psychic reading is unique. Some start with a general overview and then go deeper into the main themes of the reading. Other readings have their own rhythm and dance to them. Which will yours be? Book today to find out.
Tarot and Oracle cards are used as a vehicle to bring through messages for you. As a clairsentient and empath Jo will also connect to your spirit team and being through additional information related to your life and the current themes and energies.
Any area of your life can be the focus of a your psychic reading (Love, career, travel, family, friends, spiritual path, healing, etc). Areas such as legal matters and health can be referenced in reading however no legal or health advice is given.

For more information on each of the readings and what is involved see the psychic reading booking page for details.

Image by George Dagerotip
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